“Come, let us reason together.”
Reasoning: A coming together of minds to have a deeper understanding of
spiritual truths.
Past Sunday Reasonings are available online.
Come Let Us Reason Together.
Our Sunday messages are called Reasonings in reference to the biblical passage, Isaiah 1:18: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord.
August 2021 Reasonings
We hope you are enjoying these summer months! We will post weekly messages for our community until we can meet again.
Does Hope Lead to Disappointment?
What is Languishing?
Be the Change!
Prayer for Grace and Unity
What Next?
Message of Hope
Holy Week
Happy Spring!
Preview Upcoming Reasonings
Sunday, March 1: Lessons from Pain
(Reasoning by Pastor Sherry Petro-Surdel ). Pain can be an excellent teacher. Pain gives us an opportunity to break through our walls of defense. Pain can cause us to push past our limited thinking. Pain is an opportunity to check in on our relationship with faith.
Music: Jack & Jo Vanden Berg and Dave & Cindy
Young Masters available 2-8 years old
Sunday, March 8: The Ten Commitments
(Reasoning by Pastor Sherry Petro-Surdel ). It is one thing to be commanded and it is another thing to make a choice. Commandments are the intention; commitments are the choice.
Music: Dani & Rhi
Young Masters available 2-8 years old
Sunday, March 15: Contemplations from Hafiz
(Reasoning by Pastor Sherry Petro-Surdel ). Hafiz, a 14th century poet was beloved by lovers of God and lovers of love. Pastor Sherry will be sharing some of his wisdom and art with you.
Music: Pam Chappell
Young Masters available 2-8 years old
Sunday, March 22: Heart to Heart with Nature
(Reasoning by Sherry Storms). Spirit Space’s keeper of the land will from her heart the spirit in and of nature. To hear it we must answer the call and listen.
Music: Bev Bonita
Young Masters available 2-8 years old
Sunday, March 29: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
(Reasoning by Mark Lackner ). Mark Lackner will be sharing the story which became Barnes and Noble’s book of the year. There will be an interactive discussion on the meaning of this beautiful story.
Music: Dani & Rhi
Young Masters available 2-8 years old